Winter's Night Blog

What story down there awaits its end?

Woot. School's been cancelled for tomorrow, so brew a cuppa chai, curl up by the fire (or space heater), grab Dracula or War of the Worlds and scare yourself silly.

On a separate note, I've noticed that my site banner's getting a bit old. For those of you who are graphically inclined, I am posting a request for a new design. I have only two specifications:

It must be original, drawn by you (either on paper or on the computer).

It should contain the words "Winter's Night" or "Winter's Night Blog," and not contain the name of our school.

From there, it is up to you. I will give 10 bonus points for each submission.

Edit: Due to the inclement weather, and the fact that trees are exploding all around my house [Come to think of it, it's kind of like the Seige of Bastogne, except I was inside, and there were no Nazis. Okay, it was nothing like Bastogne. More like Brian's Winter, except...], I have no electricity and thus no internet access. If you have any questions, please email me, but my responses will be held until I can get to Starbucks again. Or until I figure out how to re-wire the blown transformer outside of my window.

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1 Comment

Why the hell don't i read this more often...

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