Winter's Night Blog

What story down there awaits its end?

Post 'em below.  We already have:

  • R&G '08
  • R&G are Undead (See Josiah's post for a very long video on why we can't do this one...)
If you don't come up with an original idea, begin working on a point, that is, a reason, for writing one of the above.  Partial ideas are okay, as we are just in the beginning stages.  I want to see something from everyone tomorrow, though.

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R&G Death before essence.

hey check this out everyone

R&G meat Shakespeare.
R&G a wrinkle in time.
R&G dead poet's society.

haha Now you're just mashing titles together:
R&G and the Sorcerer's Stone
R&G Go to Washington
R&G's Excellent Adventure
R&G: A Space Odyssey
R&G Go to White Castle

Any ideas for the plots?

Yes, for Shakespeare;
R&G read Hamlet find Shakespeare in England and have a philosophical discussion with him a bout the characters being real people in the realm of the books only observed the way the writer wants.

One last idea R&G you only live twice.

Hi. This is Shane, btw.

I think the R&G would be a good way to satirise the absurdity of present day presidential elections. For example, there are people that are backing the candidate that they think looks good or speaks well or would be a great guy to have over for a barbeque, in their opinion. In fact, as I'm typing this, some guy on the radio (KRMG) just said that there are several people that are just backing whomever's leading at the time.

hey anyone who wants to do my Idea "R&G are assassins" please contact me at

or you can also reach me by my website

or you could just check out my website since my ratings are Falling faster than a lead balloon :(

R&G to old to die young.

R&G 08 is a good idea, it would give us a lot of leeway to express the artificiality of the characters and the world like R&G are dead did.
R&G go to white castle, while silly sounding, actually presents a viable plot line that could be used to compare fictional characters(R&G) to actual places on a road trip.
James’s idea about R&G encountering Shakespeare, or perhaps Tom Stoppard has a lot of potential as well. That could be developed into something really cool.
Someone else also spoke of a certain fall festival at which it would be possible to put on R&G are dead. That would be cool.
It seems like everybody wants to do something different and weird, so I don’t know how that will work out, but I vote for R&G 08.


That's incredible. Solid work, Spencer.

did you get my e-mail?

Nope. Send it to

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