Winter's Night Blog

What story down there awaits its end?

you noo-o-o.  Not really.

Gladwell makes some interesting assertions in the second chapter, and today we focused on the effects of interpersonal communication.  He cites a study by Syracuse University that explains the impact of newscasters and their expressions in Presidential races, and explains what makes Tom Gau so convincing.  Derren Brown was brought up, and I promised videos.  Here they are:

Watch Brown's movements as he talks to the man.  He mirrors his movements, then takes a step back.  The man follows.

This one is a bit off topic, but I think it effectively illustrates just how easily our creativity can be affected by our environment.  As always, you are what you eat, even if you don't mean to consume it.

This one is similar.  You think you aren't listening, but you are.

I'm trying to find video or an article explaining the microemotions explained in this chapter.  If anyone finds something, post it below.

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I cant even see the vids show up, just empty white space, could you link the site you found them on, or just tell me what to search for on youtube?

That's strange. Are you using IE? It seems to work with my Firefox and Safari.
In order:


No, I'm running firefox, but for some reason all I get are the frames. Thanks for the links though

Also, just an interesting bit of info, that game Nights for Wii that you have the review of, started as a game for sega saturn. My cousin owned it, and it was really difficult then too. Mostly because you were moving in a 3d world with a directional pad that only had eight directions on it, but it was still really hard to control. Basically, some things dont change.

The second video, one of the designers says "twee". 3:40.


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