Winter's Night Blog

What story down there awaits its end?

Here are two questions to choose from, based on the books we've read so far.  This is not a book report.  Write on something that affects your life, or a topic you would like pursue further.

We covered the impact of popular culture on our everyday lives when reading Everything Bad is Good for You by Steven Johnson.  Our discussions centered on the impact of video games and television, and the cognitive effects of our consumption of these materials. 

Edit: I have received a few messages from you, suggesting possible topics for an EBIGFY essay.  If you have an idea, run it by me and then begin work.  The essay should follow the ideas in the book, either in support or refutation of, or using Johnson's ideas in a new application.  Again, run your idea by me before you begin, but I want you to make this essay your own.

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell explains how information (and fads) can spread through a population like a cold.  We've talked about the people that begin these fads (The Few),  and how a message's "Stickiness" can allow or prevent ideas(or fads) from spreading.  My challenge to you is to come up with a plan based on Gladwell's theories that would create a Tipping Point of your own.  Who would be your "Few"?  How would you make your message "Sticky"?  In what context (i.e. time, place, population, medium) would you seed your idea?  Remember, Gladwell's examples range from Paul Revere's ride to Sesame Street to shoes and crime. 

Before you begin planning, think about something that you'd like to happen.  Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Which candidate would you like to win?
  • How you could improve the quality of life for people around our city?
  • How can you get students to read/do their homework?
  • How can you make a product the next "big thing"?
  • How could you change people's ideas about something (a minority, a religion, NAFTA, comic books, video games, school, volunteering...)?
  • If you have another idea, please let me know.

After you've come up with your topic, review Gladwell's explanations and my questions above.  We'll discuss this (and Chapter Four up to page 163) tomorrow.  Comment below if you have any questions.  (We will discuss format, length, due date, etc tomorrow, so no worries about that.)

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